Friday, September 16, 2011


Autumn is my favorite season and that magical time of year is fast approaching. I keep finding new places to go where the color is fantastic and there aren't crowds of people to contend with. In the past I made the Lake Superior shoreline an almost annual trek for blazing photographs and it is still popular for many landscape photographers, including myself. New England is also a superb location for brilliant autumn color and lures many photographers, of all levels, each year. Recently; I have found the Appalachian areas of Tennessee and North Carolina to be spectacular in mid October and not overwhelmed with tourists. The visitors that do arrive for the color season are called "leafers " by the local residents and are welcomed. With most people travelling with a digital camera, these days, all that is needed is a large memory card for your camera and a yen for doing a little hiking. I hope you enjoy the limited assortment of autumn prints that I am exhibiting this month and will leave a comment. Good luck with your color shooting!

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