Tuesday, October 24, 2017


It has been a while since my last blog but I am back after a busy summer. The color of autumn is fading and the snowy season is just around the corner. The prints that I am putting on my post this month are not relative to the season but are some of my recent work. In some cases; the image was shot many years ago but because I have a strong feeling for it, I will remake it with improvements. Often; I will remove a portion of the original image or make an addition, such as a sky, water or building. The pictures that I have included this time are all landscapes with " WATER " being the focal point. They were all shot on Kodak Tri-X, black and white film, with the exception of one that is a color conversion from a Nikon digital SLR. The formats of the original images are varied from 6 x 9 cm to 35 mm and the one digital exposure, which is noted. I enjoy working with both film and digital, however; they each have their pros and cons. My greatest concern with digital is the worry of losing important work due to hard drive failure or inefficient back up. I now back up everything twice --- once on Blu-Ray disc and again on a back up drive for security. With developed film; you put it in sleeves, in an album and it will last forever.
I hope you like the prints that I am exhibiting this time and will let me know your feelings on anything photographic. You can use the comment section at the bottom of the post or e-mail me at studio90@wowway.com  You can also check out my gallery at  keith_vanstone.pixels.com  Thanks for looking in.
Early September in Olympic National Park
Washington State
Pacific Coastline
British Columbia

Isle of Skye, Scotland

Gaspe, Quebec

North Sea shoreline at Kessingland, England

A photo art creation
Palm trees and land -- Jupiter, Florida

Southern Ohio

San Francisco, California
*** Digital ***

1 comment:

alan norris said...

Hello Keith just had look at your new work very imppresive. Like to see them in a small book,what do you think.Alan