Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Lazy Autumn Morning!

Last Wednesday I awoke to a window view of ominous fog and although I felt like sleeping in, I didn't. I promptly loaded my Pentax 645N medium format camera with Kodak Tri-X 400, black and white  film and headed north about twelve miles. My destination was an old estate, now operated by the county, called Addison Oaks. This has been, for many years, one of my favorite places to wander about with my camera.The fog and mist was not a disappointment but it was beginning to lift by mid morning. I used a 50mm lens on the Pentax to include a broader view for effect and an orange filter for better separation of detail.I find that the wide angle lens is best for my landscapes and easier to hand hold
The morning was fantastic. Even if my photography had been a bust I would have been quite content just with the fog, the Canada Geese and the solitude. By noon the haze was all but gone and the sun had brought out more people to enjoy the scenic surroundings. Later that same day, I developed the film in Kodak D-76 and scanned the negatives on my Epson 2450 scanner.
I hope you enjoy the images that I took at Addison Oaks and the three additional photos that I included. The add ons are old negatives that were originally shot in color but were printed in black and white. The roundhouse doors and the medicine cabinet were taken at Greenfield Village in Dearborn.  The marshwalk was shot at Point Pelee National Park in Ontario.. All included pictures were shot on film.




Pt. Pelee, Ontario
The Medicine Cabinet


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